Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Get Your Story Right Before Telling it: Why? Google Never Forgets

Retellers have always had the power to both help and hurt you. That’s why getting your story right is critical. After all, if you place the wrong story on the channel, Retellers can quickly move from friend to foe. And with the emergence of the internet, people won’t necessarily forget a bad story. Why? Because, Google never forgets. Type in a press release or from a year ago. Go ahead I’ll wait. It’s still there isn’t it?

And just like press releases and news article, Google can find other information as well. So if you’re using Facebook, MySpace, Blogs and more to network for business, beware of what you share, because Google will find it.

Seth Godin posted an interesting story on his blog about a friend who advertised for a housekeeper on Craigslist. Three interesting resumes came to the top. She googled each person's name. Here’s what she found:

The first search turned up a MySpace page. There was a picture of the applicant, drinking beer from a funnel. Under hobbies, the first entry was, "binge drinking."The second search turned up a personal blog (a good one, actually). The most recent entry said something like, "I am applying for some menial jobs that are below me, and I'm annoyed by it. I'll certainly quit the minute I sell a few paintings."And the third? There were only six matches, and the sixth was from the local police department, indicating that the applicant had been arrested for shoplifting two years earlier.

Godin ended the article: “Three for three. Google never forgets.” And he’s right.

I’ll take it a step further. Get your story right (everywhere) before telling it.