Friday, December 05, 2008

What's Your Personal Reteller Channel?

Before you begin building a Reteller Channel for the distribution of stories about your products and services; it’s helpful to think about what channels influence you. When you get up in the morning do you listen to talk radio or news radio? Do you get your news from news aggregators that email you headlines you’re interested in or do you still read the newspaper from stem to stern? Are you buying gifts this year that you saw reviewed on CNET or are you buying gifts that your friends recommended? The bottom line is – you’ve developed your own personnel Reteller Channel for how you receive and filter news. And you’ll quickly notice that your Reteller Channel is no longer just made up of traditional media, but a healthy mix of new and traditional media.

Here’s a look my personal Reteller Channel:
  • (read online) in the morning
  • WSJ (RSS feeds on top headlines, health care)
  • My healthcare blog ( tracks recent posts on other health blogs so I can quickly keep track of industry news.
  • My business partner who is a personal technology nut influences my decisions about technology purchases (and he’s influenced by CNET and Walter Mossberg)
  • My husband breaks the news to me about the economy over a glass of wine at dinner, where I’ll be calmer (I can’t stand to follow it anymore –too nerve racking)
  • NPR is what I listen to on the way to work
  • I scan CNN and Fox to get my headlines throughout the day and night
  • George Stephanopoulos is where I get my political fix on the weekends (used to be Tim Russert- how I miss him)

    My point is- once you develop a better understanding of how you get your news, you’ll come to a better understanding about the channel you need to create to reach prospects.